In the HumPhys course, I spend an inordinate amount of time on blood pressure, at least partly because my students are all pharmacy technicians and a chunk of their work day involves passing BP meds across the counter. I think we've all got the message now that snowing your chips with salt is bad for hypertension. Why? Because the salt gets into the circulatory system; as the concentration increases, water is retained by the kidneys to try to dilute the stuff; more fluid surging around in a finite volume of blood vessels drives up the pressure. It's more complicated than that. Nevertheless, physicians look at old white chaps like me and tell us to lay off the salt. NaCl is so ubiquitous in our diet that we're only recently teasing out the separate effects of the Na and the Cl.
It was a huge and disconcerting revelation to be told that almost all the IV rehydration bags which you see in hospital dramas [and cholera wards in the Third World] are 'normal saline' or 0.9% NaCl. I really had no idea because I always ask our technical staff to make up Ringer's solution when the students are doing physiological experiments about osmosis and water balance. Ringer's solution is a precise mix of sodium Na, potassium K and calcium Ca ions dissolved in water at concentrations determined by Sydney Ringer [R looking patrician, biog] in the 1880s to be optimum for keeping a vertebrate heart beating. You should know that a jolt of potassium chloride is the final fatal step in the process of 'humane' judicial killing in the USA, so you want to go easy on the potassium. Normal homeostatic function is all about the correct balance: like Goldilocks's porridge everything has to be just right. Normal nervous transmission and normal muscle contraction both depend on the relative concentration of Na, K, & Ca inside and outside the cells. It might be a little thoughtless to be topping up the tank of sick people with a lot of Na and Cl and not the other ingredients of normal blood. After Dr Ringer passed away, in the 1930s Ringer's solution was gussied up with a bit of lactic acid:
- Na 130 mmol/L
- Cl 109 mmol/L
- Lactate 28 mmol/L
- K 4 mmol/L
- Ca 1.5 mmol/L
- Na 154 mmol/L
- Cl 154 mmol/L
One of the handiest ways to compare the efficacy of healthcare outcomes is NNT (Number needed to treat). To how many people do you have to apply a therapy to secure a single positive outcome? Here above they applied saline to 7500 patients and killed 75 of them; or they would have been saced given Ringer's ie NNT = 100. Compare that to NNT of 125 when using statins to prevent a fatal stroke. Or requiring 1600 healthy people to take aspirin for a year to prevent 1 heart attack. These NNT calculations are entirely independent of the co$$$t of the interventions. Saline vs Ringer's is cost neutral. Aspirin is really cheap. Statins otoh are a $19billion/year industry.
Source: MeFi where there is interesting
commentary from drippers and drippees.
commentary from drippers and drippees.
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