Saturday 22 May 2021

The End

Nothing lasts forever.

Cory Doctorow has been bloggin' for a lot longer than me - 20 years: "There’s another way that blogging makes my writing better: writing every day makes it easier to write every day". Nevertheless, I have been posting every day for the last eight years. And I absolutely echo Doctorow's sentiments. The last time I missed a day was 22 May 2013. The Blob's original purpose was to document the process of transition to a full-time, full-on job teaching science in the Irish Midlands. I more or less stopped teaching science at the start of Coronarama in March 2o2o. There were a few loose ends final year research project students to tie up <nnnggg nnGGG> but that adventure was done more than a year ago, and I formally retired 02 Oct 20

As the years rolled by, The Blob grew, like Topsy, to catch & incorporate whatever was drifting past my "mind". Although there was a braided thread of funny thing happened in class today posts; but without classes that theme dried up and blew away. My, N = 97, almost invisible,  women-in-science archive is worth a look. There have recently been a lot more book reviews because reading and audioing books is filling the space previously occupied by antics in classrooms and laboratories. In one sense, the tail is now wagging the dog: I feel pressure to deliver daily - all those years of deliberate practice putting one word after the other have Lutherised me into Ich kann nichts anders. otoh I am close to having recorded everything I can remember having ever done. So now I'm easy . . .

22 May? Why that's today!

The End


  1. Thanks for 8 years+ worth of interesting and enlightening posts! We'll have to call and email more to make up for the change! Es Xx

  2. I only came to the Blob in its mid-life which gave me four years worth of blobbery to catch up with and since then depending on life's demands I've read daily, or caught up monthly or quarterly. It has always been a pleasure even when you've spoken in tongues I can't decipher...chemistry, physics, biology and bilgeology. Sometimes I've googled items onwards through curiosity and sometimes I've left well alone, but always I've been entertained even when I haven't had the foggiest notion of what you were going on about. Other times I wished that you'd continued on with the initial story that had started the blog entry and not veered off into the incomprehensible to me sciencey bits but sure you're a scientist what could I expect and googling some of the incomprehensible it became slightly more comprehensible. I learned.

    I've loved your women in science series and whenever I tried to offer you a new one for it you'd already been there, done that. Always on the ball. I've enjoyed your turn of phrase and have incorporated 'tuthree' into my everyday vocabulary. The writing has always been akin to my Uncle Jim's letters to his family... beautifully written and full of news. Your voice jumps off the page as did his. Also, now where will I find your family doings? Like Es I'll have to phone you once in a while. I'm sorry to see the Blob go but perhaps you'll replace it with a novel of the mountain and its people - a gentle tale of tae brewed, neighbourly feuds and mountain views. Thanks for the memories and your granny's flapjack recipe, Bob. xxx

    1. Bilgeology mostly. We'll always have the flapjacks.

  3. Ah well I suppose all good things must come to an end. Will have to go back to the beginning and read one a day again. Thanks for the information, the thinking and the effort.

  4. Thank you. It has been an inspiration and education reading the Blob. I shall miss it.

    1. Thanks Padraig. Remember Reichenbach, though.
