Sunday 28 July 2013


A couple of months ago, I put up my 100th post on this blog.  I thought that was an achievement - I was never able to keep my Letts Schoolboy Diary going even to the end of January.  So I trawled through the back-catalogue and abstracted all the people who had merited a mention.  I thought that several pairs of people in that list wouldn't appear in the googleverse, and it was so . . . then.  Because Google scrapes the very bottom of the barrel, my abstruse connexions have now become googlechapwhacks (rather than googlewhacks):
Your search - "Lynn Margulis" "Varro Raetinus" - did not match any documents.
now has two hits: both from The Blob.
I now find that I've written more than 100,000 words here since January, so thought I'd put up another summary list.  It's getting rather long (N > 300), so I won't be doing this ever again.  There are more saints than astronauts, more Jims than Bills, the sex ratio is shamefully (41F:267M) skewed and for a republican there are rather too many monarchs.

Abraham Lincoln; Ada Lovelace; Adi Roche; Aeschylus; Al Bean ; Alan Shepard ; Alexander Bell; Alexander Friedmann; Alexis St.Martin; Allen Gardner; Amedeo Avogadro; Andre Lwoff; Andreas Ioannides; Andrew Harrington; Anne Boleyn; Anne-Marie Pétrequin; Aoife McLysaght; Aristotle; Arjumand Banu; Aurangzeb; Barbara McClintock; Barry Dalby; Beatrice Gardner; Benjamin Disraeli; Bert Vaux; Bibb Latané; Bill Bryson; Bill Clinton; Bill Liao; Bill Watterson; Brian Owens; Leopold I Belgians; Buzz Aldrin ; Calvin Klein; Carole Lartigue; Cathal Daly; Catherine Aragon; Richard Rich; Charles Babbage; Charles Burnham; Charles Darwin; Charles Dickens; Charles Duke ; Charles Weingartner; Charles-I Stuart; Charlton Heston; Chris Burnett; Chris Corlett; Chris Hayes; Christian Goldbach; Christophe Irmscher ; Christopher H. Calvey; Chuck Merryman; Clyde A. Hutchison III; Craig Venter; Cuchulainn; Cynthia Andrews-Pfannkoch; Dalai Lama; Dan White; Daniel Day-Lewis; Daniel G. Gibson; Dave Brubek; Dave Bruno; Dave Scott ; David Attenborough; David Fahey; David Haussler; David Hockney; David Lean; Debarghya Das; Dermott MacMorrough; DH Lawrence; Dionysius Exiguus; Dorian Pritchard; Edgar Mitchell ; Edmund Burke; Edsger Dijkstra; Edward MacNeil; Elizabeth Marshall Thomas; Elizabeth Windsor; Emil Zatopek; Enda Keane; Enver Hoxha; Ernest Walton; Ernst Röhm; Esmond Harmsworth; Eugene Cernan; Euripides; Evelyn Fox Keller; Evgeniya A. Denisova; Ewan Birney; Francis Coppola; Francois Jacob; Frank Ramsey; Garret Mullooly; Gene Wilder; Georg Wittig; George Beadle; George Dawson; George Gaylord Simpson; George III Hanover; George McClellan; Gerd Gigerenzer; Gordon Ramsey; Gregor Mendel; Gregor Strasser; Gretchen Rubin; Gustav Ritter von Kahr; Gwynedd A. Benders; Hamilton O. Smith; Harold Macmillan; Harold McGee; Harold Wilson; Harvey Milk; HDF Kitto; Heinrich Matthaei; Herbert Terrace; Iain M Banks; Iizuka Sh?kansai; Jack Hawkins; Jack Schmitt ; Jacob Bronowski; Jacob Lewis Bourjaily; Jacques Monod; James Gleick; James Irwin ; James Joyce; James Lovelock; James Murray; James Ussher; James VI/I Stuart; James Watson; James Whelton; Jan Jansky; Jane Goodall; JBS Haldane; JD Salinger; JD Salinger; Jean Anouilh; Jean Danjou; Jim Jones; Jim Kent; Jim Peters; Jocelyn Bell-Burnell; Johan Kjeldahl; Johann Charpentier; Johann Goethe; John Charles McQuaid; John Darley; John Glenn; John Henry; John Hinde; John I. Glass; John Keats; John Lonergan; John McCarthy; John Napier; John Seymour; John Tukey; John W. Drape; John Young ; Jonathan McCrea; Joseph Conrad; Joseph Stalin; Joshua Foer; Joshua Katz; Joshua Slocum; JS Haldane; Julie Christie; Julie Powell; JW Nijman; Karl Landsteiner; Karl Schimper; Karsten Hokamp; Ken Wolfe; Kevin Byrne; Kevin Mitchell; Kitty Genovese; Lambros Lambrou; Laurens van der Post; Lei Young; Leonard Mlodnick; Leslie Liebermann; Li Ma; Louis Agassiz; Lucy Ferris; Lynn Margulis; Malcolm Gladwell; Marcus Rhoades; Marius L. Jøhnda; Marjorie Shostak; Mark Boyle; Marshall Nirenberg; Martin Luther; Martin Ryle; Mary Mulvihill; Matt Groening; Matthew Broderick; Maximillian I of Mexico; MC Escher; Melvin Konner; Michael G. Montague; Michael Pollan; Michael Ramsey; Michael Young; Michel Thomas; Michelangelo Buonarotti; Mikkel A. Algire; Monzia M. Moodie; Nacyra Assad-Garcia; Nan Doyle; Neil Armstrong; Neil Gaiman; Neil MacGregor; Neil Postman; Nigel Slater; Nils Bohr; Nisa !Xun; Oscar Wilde; Paddy Lydon; Padraig Pearse; Patricia Arquette; Paul Crutzen; Paul McCartney; Percy Shelley; Pete Conrad ; Peter Donnelly; Peter Medawar; Philippe II Belgians; Phineas Gage; Pierre Pétrequin; Pope PiusX; Prashanth P. Parmar; Primo Levi; RAB Butler; Rachel Hewitt; Radha Krishnakumar; Raj Padam; Ralph Leighton; Rami Ismail; Ray-Yuan Chuang; Richard Chamberlain; Richard Doll; Richard Feynman; Richard Haldane; Rollins Emerson; Ronald Graham; Ruggero Boscovich; Saddam Hussein; St Agatha; St Aidan; St Barbara; St Cunigunde; St Cyr; St Edan; St Francis; St George; St James the Great; St Lucy; St Martin de Porres; St Martin de Tours; St Mary ; St Patrick; St Thomas Apostle; St Thomas More; Sally Clark; Sally Hemmings; Samuel Wilberforce; Sanjay Vashee; Shah Jahan; Sian Croose; Siddhartha Gautama ; Simon Perry; Sinead O’Brien; Skip Lovelady; Sophocles; Stanislav Jungwirth; Stanley Adrianus; Stephen Fry; Stephen Jay Gould; Steven Brams; Sukiyabashi Jiro; Suzanne Leenhoff; Sydney Brenner ; Terentius Afer; Thomas H. Segall-Shapiro; Thomas Hunt Morgan; Thomas Huxley; Thomas Jefferson; Thomas More; Tony Blair; Tony Hewish; Varro Raetinus; Victorine Meurent; Vladimir N. Noskov; Walter Bagehot; Widukind Lenz; Wilkinson, Mr; Willam Cobbett; William Beaumont; William Hurt; William Marshall; William McBride; William Rowan Hamilton; William Shakespeare; William Wordsworth; Zeve Sanderson; Zhi-Qing Qi

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