Saturday 27 November 2021

Arwen Incommming

You may remember my piece-to-camera in September about the naming of 2021-22's storms: Arwen; Barra; Corrie; Dudley; Eunice; Franklin; Gladys; . . . It will be hard to take seriously a boy called Sue a storm named Dudley; but Storm Arwen is on us since yesterday:

For us, the circle marks the spot and 37km/h is pretty mild on the scale of storms. We are protected to a certain extend by a looming Mt Leinster to our immediate North. But the Northern coast is taking a pounding and an unfortunate driver in Antrim has been killed by a falling tree. While over on the bigger island, it is gusting 150km/h; trees are down; railways are blocked in Scotland; and sleety snow is adding to everyone's misery. Meanwhile, much further South Gdau.I reports snow in [the] Bath. Winter has begun.

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