Sunday 22 September 2024


I caught The Ringstone at pretty much peak oblique sunlight on 11/Sep with a flaming mountain ash caorthann Sorbus aucuparia - crowning the earth-mother as it were.  It's a fairy'nuff image for the start of Fall, no? Pre.view from Jun last year.


More Autumn landscape? Perp or perps unknown have been setting the heather blazing again [also April 2020 and April 2022] and I bet you a sacrificial pig that it's not a bunch of neoDruids going all wiccan about the Feast of Mabon. Our hill was downwind of the conflag [below 19:49hrs 20Sep24], and The Man will be happy to dock the damage from our our maintain-the-dry-heath money. Burning is not an effect method for killing Rhododendron ya eejits.

The next morning, Sat21Sep24 bright and early (caught the sunrise), I was up and yomping. It was dewy sog under foot and when I got to the back end of the hill, I could see the fire was out; with only an ugly splot of soot-waste across the valley. The fire defo crossed the county borrrder, but one could believe that all /most of the damage was on the neighbouring commonage. Without a theodolite and chains OR a phone with google sat map, it's hard to be sure to be sure:

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