Saturday 11 May 2024

Subverting the glitterati

I really don't give two shakes of a rat's arse about the Eurovision Snog Contest. I would no more spend this evening in Malmö, than I'd watch the Budapest F1 Grand Prix or I'm A Celebrity Eating This Beetle. And it's not just because we don't own a telly. Occasionally, The Blob will have an offhand swipe at Eurovision if someone subverts the smugness of the corporate glitz. Like 2014 when drag-queen Conchita Wurst won for Austria.

Now we read that Bambie Thug, the non-binary, queer, entry from the  People's Republic of Cork  has been told [shock!] to remove some of her temporary tatts. Thug and their team thought that writing Saoirse don Phalistín in Ogham upside their face would show they were “pro-justice” and “pro-peace” in Gaza. The apparatchiks of the Euro Broadcast Union EBU insisted that cold cream be poured on the sentiment because Eurovision is not political. So not political that they continued to include Israel in the 2024 shenanigans. Although the EBU climbed on the barricades in 2022 and banned Russia - and then voted the glittering prize to Ukraine.

Thug has agreed to be silenced, on this matter, in this context, and tonight will be sporting "crown the queen" in Ogham instead. The "queen" in this case being something something Wicca. I love this nonsense: writing messages that can only be understood by Adepts; épater les bougies; the perfick little triscael on their forehead. 

More Ogham including write yer own.

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