Sunday, 16 March 2014


We're not expecting lambs until the beginning of April.  We are pretty green as farrrmers but we can count 5 months from the appearance of our ram-on-loan. In true country style our neighbour came and told me that we had an addition to the flock before I knew anything about it.  A ram-lamb it is true but we're hoping for a favorable (F>>M) sex-ratio when everything is counted in.  The only explanation for the early arrival is that the ewe must have been one of three that we bought in to get numbers up for the official census in December.  The friend who sold them to us did suggest that one of them might be preg.  Anyway, there's a lot to be said for a safe delivery in which I wasn't even tempted to intervene.  Photo courtesy of O'Manch the honorary Irishman

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