Sunday 14 July 2024

MeFi 25 Today

In addition to this week's reg'lar Sunday Notcellany, I'm putting up a trib to mark (to the minute!) the 25th anniversary of the first post on MetaFilter. Matt Haughey = mathowie having written the software for a best-of-internet aggregator posted about "I have no idea how these people got their cats wedged into their scanners, or why."

I lurked (technical term) for years on MetaFilter until May 2020 when I coughed up my $5 one-time life-time membership fee so that I could say "Gorgeous!" about some fruit-with-fungi. Up until then, I mined MetaFilter for Blob-copy - usually with acknowledgment / attribution / citation. Through the 00s [peak blog] I followed a number of blogs and other aggregators - Memepool is long gone. Kev of "Nothing To Do With Arbroath" died. BoingBoing turned into an inter-necine shit-show with Ads. Neatorama is still trundling along although I rarely visit. I still check in with "Flippism is The Key" and Tywkiwdbi but not daily. Me, I try to generate my copy from elsewhere than the blogosphere because that medium is so prone to rechurning (technical term) the same old same old content in a sort of tedious reductive plagiarism. I guess I chose a sector of the blogosphere that was interesting to me and so had a certain amount of incest common interest = similar sources.

Anyway, I've learned a lot from MetaFilter, not least about how folks are different but not thereby wrong. And MeFi continues to serve its 1999 purpose of letting The Collective find the cool stuff. Come on in - the water's lovely.

1 comment:

  1. The blogger's dilemma, succinctly stated. I'm still committed to my original premise of “All things commonly thought to be strange and all things strangely thought to be common are the purview of Flippism is the Key”, but I will link to exceptional sources from time to time while adding my insights. Your trials and tribulations (and successes) in dealing with your natural and cultural environment are an inspiration. Tywkiwdbi is an inspiration for me as well. Minnesotastan always adds a bit extra to his posts, even if they are taken from elsewhere.
