Friday 7 June 2024

Grace first, the rest nowhere

Big day for Democracy.

It's election day in Ireland. We're going to the polls for a) local candidates on County Councils b) supranational Members of the European Parliament. In neither of these constituencies are there bye-elections if the incumbent dies, retires, resigns or self-combusts: that democratic privilege is reserved for TDs departing the Dáil. For CoCo and MEP, when you vote for a candidate, you are also voting for their replacement. The full list of nominated replacements. Christopher Doyle's replacements, for example, are both Doyles and live in his Wexford home; so you're voting for a dynasty.

Obvs, my #1 is going to Grace O'Sullivan with whom I have traded poetry down Costa na Déise way.

Full list. UL has done some candidate polling to find out where they stand on issue that matter. Not everyone has responded to the request for info: some are too busy assaulting refugees, or denying women bodily autonomy. To help decisions down the lower end of the list, I have struck out populists, haters, nut-jobs, fascists, people-with-eyes-too-close-together . . .
 Billy Kelleher (Fianna Fáil)
 Grace O’Sullivan (Green Party)
 Seán Kelly (Fine Gael)
 Mick Wallace (Independents 4 Change)
 Kathleen Funchion (Sinn Féin)
 Paul Gavan (Sinn Féin)
 Niamh Hourigan (Labour)
 Susan Doyle (Social Democrats)
 Patrick Murphy (Aontú)
 John Mullins (Fine Gael)
 Cynthia Ní Mhurchú (Fianna Fáil)
 Cian Prendiville (People Before Profit-Solidarity)
 Eddie Punch (Independent) [fancies a bit of eutrophication]
 Derek Blighe (Ireland First)
 Ross Lahive (The Irish People)
 Una McGurk (Independent)
 Graham De Barra (Independent)
 Michael Leahy (Irish Freedom Party)
 Michael McNamara (Independent)
 Lorna Bogue (An Rabharta Glas)
 Christopher Doyle (Independent)
 Mary Fitzgibbon (Independent)
 Ciaran O'Riordan (Independent)

If I've failed to exclude known monsters, please help by flagging them in a comment. More down-in-the-grass local politics nerdling from RTE.

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