That picture is taken with LiDAR [bloboprev] which captures and exaggerates minute variations in the height of the ground: ignoring plant cover which might be taller than the maximum soil-height difference.
You can see every wart and suture in the landscape EVERYTHING . . .you might think. Because you'll agree that, for the whole field nearest to the extreme SW [bottom left] corner [clipped out L], it's a case of nothing to see here, folks. But you would be wrong because there are other ways of seeing the landscape, with different tools, at a different time, with a different mindset. Anthony Murphy is a local man, a sub-editor on the Farrrrmer's Journal, who has been fossicking about the North of Co Meath for nearly 20 years, looking at things sideways and talking to people and reading books . . . and writing them, and taking photographs and running a website all about the interface between human history, myth and the landscape called Mythical Ireland. A couple of years ago he got a drone and started to look at things from above. And then we had a punishing drought and he took out his drone because of the drought-marks being reported in the UK. He snapped a picture of that same-old same-old field and found a 'new' circular structure where none was documented before:Gobsmacked, he was:“When I saw it first I was like ‘what’s that? What the hell is that?’ It’s something I had never seen before. It is huge.”
I've turned it upside down to make it clear how the new henge - sacred enclosure - fits into the busy landscape. The circles at the right edge of each picture are the same thing. It was suggested on the wireless, not entirely as a joke, that these henges might have been a 2,000 capacity sports ground rather than a place of religious ritual. Then again, sport and religion blend into each other is a rather uncomfortable way. The drought exaggerates any discrepancy in the water-retaining capacity of the soil. The surface of the field after thousands of years of rainfall and windstorm and, especially, ploughing is flat like a billiard table and so LiDAR-opaque. But the 200m wide circle of wooden pillars sunk into holes 4,500 years ago has changed the soil, its microbial community and its porosity forever. More coverage, better pics: RTE; BBC; RIA; Twitter; Indo;
Get yer drones out, folks! (before it rains)
A wonderful find. Spotted it on twitter during the week and took a double take... Apparently many claimed it as, in fashionable "tRump like" jargon, fake news. But if it made the blob its gotta be true