Sunday 11 February 2018

Sunday Elf Feb

Sorry, I'm late,[tsk!] His Lazyarsedness overslept, and the sheep need feeding before The Blob's readers. Now hear this: tomorrow is Darwinday when evolutionary biologists like me and a raggle-taggle army of unbelievers celebrate the birthday of Charles Darwin (dob: 12 Feb 1809). In the old days I'd celebrate by bringing brightly coloured donuts to work. Oftenyears I felt I was a voice crying in the wilderness. Now there is a website to the concept with a global map flagging the locations of all the Events they know about. But that website is all bark and no trousers because it featured No events in UK or Ireland when I looked on Friday. I registered [borrrrring] to announce the Dublin happening. But when I checked just now was unavailable. So I'll have to plug the Dublin gig again here:
My old pal Dan Bradley [prev] is addressing the Irish Humanist Association on Where do the Irish Come From? In the Arts Block of Trinity College Dublin at 1930hrs Monday 12 Feb 2018. I have classes until 5pm, but I think I'll pile into my little red Yaris and drive to The Smoke to catch this. Bradley is always good copy and has ranged widely and interestingly over the field of DNA analysis both ancient and modern: maybe I'll make 2018 the Year of Dan Bradley posting once a month . . .there would be plenty enough material. Look at him there: ignoring St Charles's stern glare and looking penetratingly at his next big idea. aNNyway: tomorrowbe sure to check out the local universities and colleges; there is sure to be something similar in Омск, Томск or Петропа́вловск-Камча́тский

What else is happenin'? Lots and lots but it's mostly in the past [borrrring]

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